Open for lunch until 15:XNUMX ♪ Kobe oysters/Kobe oysters/Kobe lunch/mosaic/night view

A menu that you can choose from XNUMX types according to your preference, such as pizza and pasta.A luxurious dish with seasonal flavors such as maeno platter, fried oysters, and grilled oysters.We also offer a special lunch course that includes a drink and dessert.Don't miss this special moment.
Limited to 20 meals. Please spend a luxurious time with your friends and family, enjoying the scenery and delicious food unique to Port Kobe.

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[Official] The Oyster Bar KOBE

[Official] The Oyster Bar KOBE

1-6-1 umie MOSAIC 2F, Higashikawasaki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
5 minute walk from JR Kobe Station
5-minute walk from Kobe Municipal Subway Harborland Station
10 minutes on foot from Kobe Kosoku Line Kosoku Kobe
569m from Harborland Station
Opening hours
15:00-22:00 (Lo.21:00)
saturday sunday holiday
15:00-23:00 (Lo.22:00)
Closing days
Payment Method
cash: Possible 
credit card ; VISA  Master  Amex  MONEY  JCB  CUP 
Electronic money ; WAON  Suica  PASMO  nanaco  iD  QuickPay 
QR code payment; PayPay  LINEPay